It’s very important for us to maintain the quality of the content on the blog. Guest posts are no different.
Here’s what we look for in our posts:
- Practical, well-researched posts on travel, backpacking or remote work.
- Local guides / how-to’s / location reviews anything else that fits our audience.
- Readers have at least one actionable takeaway from each post, even if that is just somewhere new to visit.
- Must be original content, check for plagiarism here
- Casual tone
- First, write for yourself. Don’t try to please everyone!
- All claims must be backed up with a link to research or a case study confirming it.
- Please have at least 2 images in the body of the post.
- Headlines must be interesting to potential readers. Look to Copyblogger for great examples.
- No fluff!
- Focus on staying at 4-5 sentences per paragraph
- Minimum of 1,000 words per post. Hats off for 3,000+ words.
- We will include an author box aswell as link to your website and/or social media profiles.